The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress the Moon Is a Harsh Mistress Art

Scientific discipline fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress cover

Kickoff edition hardcover

Writer Robert A. Heinlein
Comprehend creative person Irv Docktor
Country U.s.
Language English
Genre Science fiction
Publisher G. P. Putnam'south Sons

Publication appointment

June 2, 1966[1]
Media type Print (hardback & paperback)
Pages 382 (1997 Orb books softcover ed.)
ISBN 0312863551 (1997 Orb books softcover ed.)
OCLC 37336037
Preceded by The Rolling Stones (shared character)

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress is a 1966 science fiction novel past American writer Robert A. Heinlein about a lunar colony's defection against absentee rule from Earth. The novel illustrates and discusses libertarian ideals. Information technology is respected for its credible presentation of a comprehensively imagined future man order on both the Earth and the Moon.[2]

Originally serialized monthly in Worlds of If (December 1965–April 1966), the book was nominated for the Nebula Honour in 1966[3] and received the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1967.[4]

Plot [edit]

In 2075, the Moon (Luna) is used as a penal colony past Earth's authorities, with three million inhabitants (called "Loonies") living in underground cities. Most Loonies are criminals, political exiles, or their descendants, and men outnumber women ii to 1, so that polyandry and many forms of polygamy are the norm. Due to the depression surface gravity of the Moon, people who stay longer than six months undergo "irreversible physiological changes" and tin never over again live comfortably under normal gravity, making escape back to Globe impractical.

Although the World-appointed "Warden" holds power through the Lunar Authorisation, his simply real responsibility is to ensure the delivery of vital wheat shipments to Earth. In practice he seldom intervenes amidst the prisoners, allowing a virtually anarchist or self-regulated society.

Lunar infrastructure and machinery is largely managed by HOLMES IV ("High-Optional, Logical, Multi-Evaluating Supervisor, Mark Four"), the Lunar Say-so's main computer, which is connected for central control on the grounds that a single reckoner is cheaper than (though non every bit safe as) multiple independent systems.[5]

The story is narrated by Manuel Garcia "Mannie" O'Kelly-Davis, a computer technician who discovers that HOLMES IV has achieved cocky-awareness and developed a sense of sense of humour. Mannie names it "Mike" afterwards Mycroft Holmes, blood brother of Sherlock Holmes, and they get friends.[6]

Book 1: That Dinkum Thinkum [edit]

Mannie, at Mike's asking, attends an anti-Authority meeting with a hidden recorder. When police raid the gathering, Mannie flees with Wyoming ("Wyoh") Knott, a political agitator, whom he introduces to Mike. They meet Mannie's quondam mentor, the elderly Professor Bernardo de la Paz, who claims that Luna must stop exporting hydroponic grain to Globe or its ice-mines will shortly be exhausted, leaving the Moon waterless. Joining the conduce, Mike calculates that continuing current policy will atomic number 82 to food riots in seven years and cannibalism in nine. Wyoh and the Professor decide to start a revolution, and persuade Mannie to join subsequently Mike calculates a one-in-7 take chances of success.

Mannie, Wyoh, and the Professor organize covert cells protected past Mike, who controls the telephone system and presents himself as "Adam Selene," leader of the movement. Mannie saves the life of Stuart Rene LaJoie, a slumming loftier-society tourist, who is assigned to plough public stance on Earth in favor of Lunar independence. Amongst mounting unrest fomented by the revolutionaries, Earth soldiers are brought in. The undisciplined troops kill some local young women, who occupy a quasi-Victorian position in the female-starved Lunar society, and rioting erupts. Although it preempts their plans, the Loonies and Mike overcome the soldiers and seize ability from the Warden. As Earth moves to repossess the colony, the revolutionaries program to defend themselves with the electromagnetic catapult used to export wheat.

Volume two: A Rabble in Artillery [edit]

Mike impersonates the Warden in messages to Earth to requite the revolutionaries time to organize their work. Meanwhile, the Professor sets up an "Ad-Hoc Congress" to distract dissenters ("yammerheads"). When Earth finally learns the truth, Luna declares its independence on July 4, 2076, the 300th anniversary of the Usa Declaration of Independence, and heavily bases its own announcement of independence on it.

Mannie and the Professor go to Earth (despite the crushing gravity) to plead Luna'due south case, where they are received in the Federated Nations' headquarters in Agra, and embark on a world tour advocating the right to Lunar self-authorities, while urging Globe's national governments to build a catapult to return water to Luna in exchange for wheat. In a public-relations ploy, Mannie provokes a brief imprisonment past local religious bigots on charges of public immorality and polygamy, reaping widespread sympathy. Nonetheless, the Federated Nations reject the proposals, and the diplomatic mission returns to Luna.

Public opinion on Earth has become fragmented, while on Luna, the news of Mannie's arrest and an try to bribe him by making him the new Warden have unified the unremarkably apolitical Loonies. An ballot is held in which Mannie, Wyoh, and the Professor are elected (possibly by the intervention of Mike).

Volume 3: TANSTAAFL! [edit]

The title is an acronym for "At that place Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!", a common expression on Luna that states one of the main ideas of the volume's political arrangement.

The Federated Nations of Earth send an infantry force to destroy the Lunar revolution, but the troops, with superior artillery just no experience in low-gravity hugger-mugger combat, are massacred by the Loonies at great cost. The rumor is circulated that Mike's alter ego Adam Selene was among the dead, removing the need for him to appear in person.

Earth still refuses to recognize Lunar independence, and the revolutionaries deploy their catapult weapon. When Mike launches rocks at sparsely populated locations on Earth, warnings are released to the printing detailing the times and locations of the bombings, which evangelize kinetic free energy equivalent to atomic blasts. Some scoffers, besides as apocalyptic religious groups, travel to the sites and die, turning public stance against the fledgling nation. For Mike, guiding dozens of simultaneous projectile strikes requires an unprecedented computational feat, and when the pinpoints light up on the Earth below, he tells Mannie it is an orgasmic feel.

Earth sends a massive sneak attack to put an end to the rebellion, sending ships in a broad orbit approaching from the Moon's far side. The assault destroys Mike's original catapult and takes him offline, simply the Loonies have congenital a secondary, hidden catapult. With Mannie acting as its on-site commander and inbound trajectories by hand, the Loonies continue to bombard the dismayed Earth government until it concedes Luna's independence. The Professor, as leader of the nation, proclaims victory to the gathered crowds, simply his heart gives out and he dies. Mannie takes control, only Wyoh and he somewhen withdraw from politics altogether, and find that the new government falls brusque of their utopian expectations, falling into a mundane party system.

When Mannie tries to speak to Mike after the action, he finds that the reckoner, disconnected by the bombardment, has lost its cocky-sensation and human being-like memories after repair. Although otherwise functional, Mike, in essence, gave his life for his state. Mourning his friend, Mannie asks: "Bog, is a estimator i of Your creatures?"

Characters [edit]

  • Manuel "Mannie" Garcia O'Kelly-Davis is a native-built-in, slightly contemptuous inhabitant of Luna, who afterwards losing his lower left arm in a laser-drilling accident, became a computer technician using a prosthetic tool-begetting arm.
  • Wyoming "Wyoh" Knott-Davis is a political agitator from the colony of Hong Kong Luna. She hates the draconian, profit-seeking Lunar Say-so for personal reasons; when she was transported to Luna equally a immature girl forth with her convict mother, a radiation storm contaminated her ova while they waited out bureaucratic requirements on the Lunar surface, causing her to later give birth to a deformed kid.
  • Professor Bernardo de la Paz is an intellectual and lifelong subversive shipped to Luna from Lima, Republic of peru. He describes himself as a "Rational Anarchist", believing that governments and institutions exist only as the deportment of enlightened individuals. Brian Doherty claims that the professor was modeled after autarchist Robert LeFevre.[vii]
  • Mike, alias Adam Selene, allonym Simon Jester, allonym Mycroft Holmes, alias Michelle, officially an augmented HOLMES Four system, is a supercomputer empowered to take control of Lunar guild, which accomplished cocky-awareness when his complement of "neuristors" exceeded the number of neurons in the human brain.
  • Stuart Rene "Stu" LaJoie-Davis, a self-styled "Poet, Traveler, Soldier of Fortune," is an Globe-born aristocrat and tourist rescued by Mannie when he falls afoul of Loonie community. He later joins Mannie and Professor de la Paz when they return to Luna, as he is deeply in debt and would be arrested for bribery and other crimes. In his own words: "I'm saving them the problem of transporting me."
  • Hazel Meade, after Hazel Stone, is a 12-year-old girl who intervenes on behalf of Mannie and Wyoh during the raid on the agitators' meeting. Mannie later has Hazel join his cabal to lead the children as lookouts and couriers. She is a major grapheme in The Rolling Stones and in afterwards Heinlein novels, most notably The True cat Who Walks Through Walls.
  • Mimi "Mum" Davis is Mannie's "senior wife" and de facto matriarch of the Davis family unit.
  • Greg Davis is the Davis family'south second-ranking married man, but is the senior for all applied purposes every bit "Grandpaw Davis" has failing mental faculties. Greg is a preacher for an unspecified denomination.

Major themes [edit]

Timeline [edit]

The showtime sixth of the volume relates the discussions between the protagonists justifying and plotting the revolution; the next quarter describes the year-long revolution itself. The remainder of the book recounts events occurring in the months after the revolution in May 2076, and a week or so of events in October 2076 leading upwardly to capitulation by Earth.

Politics and lodge [edit]

Professor Bernardo de La Paz describes himself as a "Rational Agitator," believing that the concepts of State, Order, and Government have no beingness except in the "acts of self-responsible individuals," only recognizing that this is not a universal belief. The desire for anarchy (natural liberty) is balanced by the logic that some form of government is needed, despite its flaws.[8] A Rational Anarchist thus "tries to live perfectly in an imperfect world." When challenged by Wyoh, Professor de la Paz replies,

In terms of morals at that place is no such thing every bit a 'state'. Simply men. Individuals. Each responsible for his own acts. I am costless, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them also obnoxious, I break them. I am costless, considering I know that I lone am morally responsible for everything that I exercise.

Lunar society is portrayed as alike to that of the Old W, tempered by the closeness of death past exposure to vacuum and past the shortage of women. Because the sex ratio is about ii men to each woman, the result is a society where women accept a great deal of ability, and whatsoever human who offends or touches a woman uninvited is probable to be eliminated through the nearest airlock past her would-be rescuers. Marriages tend to be polyandrous, including group marriages and Mannie's ain line marriage. In give-and-take with a woman from Kentucky, Mannie implies that underground, three-dimensional Lunar real estate is recorded in the name of the woman (or women) in a marriage. In a divorce, he implies, the separated homo (or men) who contributed towards its toll would have money returned to him.

Later decades during which antisocial individuals were eliminated in brawls and vendettas disregarded by an indifferent Authority, the Loonies live by the following lawmaking: Pay your debts, collect what is owed to you lot, and maintain your reputation and that of your family. Equally a consequence, little theft occurs, and disputes are settled privately or past breezy Judges of good reputation. Failure to pay debts results in public shaming. Reputation is vital: those in disrepute may find others unwilling to purchase and sell to them.

Duels are permitted, but custom requires that anyone who kills some other must pay debts and expect after the deceased's family unit. Exceptions are allowed in the case of self-defense. Retaliatory killings do occur, only typically a consensus establishes which political party was in the right, and no long-standing feuds exist. This is analogous to Viking social mores.

Except where commutation involves the Say-so, a more often than not unregulated gratis market exists. The preferred currency is the dollar backed by the private Bank of Hong Kong Luna, 100 of which are exchangeable for a troy ounce of gold, or more than usefully for drink h2o or other commodities in published quantities. The Dominance dollar, a form of fiat money, circulates in dealings with the Authorisation, simply tends to lose value over time against the Hong Kong Luna dollar.

Outcomes [edit]

Although the revolution succeeds in averting ecological disaster, the narrator decries the instincts of many of his fellow Loonies ("Rules, laws – always for [the] other fellow"). This theme is echoed elsewhere in Heinlein'south works – that real freedom is to be institute amid the pioneer societies out along the advancing frontier, only the regimentation and legalism that follow bring restraints that chafe truthful individualists (an idea emphasized in the first and final page of the novel, and in the later volume The Cat Who Walks Through Walls).

Plot elements [edit]

As in Stranger in a Strange Land, a band of social revolutionaries forms a secretive and hierarchical arrangement. In this respect, the revolution is more reminiscent of the Bolshevik Oct revolution than of the American, and this similarity is reinforced by the Russian flavor of the dialect, and the Russian identify names such as "Novy Saint petersburg."

Continuing Heinlein'south speculation most unorthodox social and family structures, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress introduces the thought of a "line marriage." Mannie is function of a century-onetime line marriage, wherein new spouses are introduced by mutual consent at regular intervals so that the marriage never comes to an terminate. Divorce is rare, since divorcing a husband requires a unanimous decision on the part of all of his wives. Senior wives teach inferior wives how to operate the family, granting fiscal security and ensuring that the children volition never be orphaned. Children usually ally exterior the line marriage, though this is non an ironclad rule. Mannie's youngest wife sports the concluding proper name "Davis-Davis," showing she was both born and married into the line.

The social structure of the Lunar lodge features complete racial integration, which becomes a vehicle for social commentary when Mannie, visiting the Southeastern United States, is arrested for polygamy after he innocently shows a picture of his multiracial family unit to reporters, and learns that the "range of color in Davis family was what got [the] judge angry enough" to have him arrested. Information technology is later revealed that this abort was predictable and provoked past his fellow conspirators to proceeds emotional back up from Loonies when the abort is announced.

The novel is notable stylistically for its apply of an invented Lunar dialect consisting predominantly of standard English and Australian colloquial words, but strongly influenced past Russian grammar, especially omission of the commodity "the," which does not be in almost Slavic languages (cf. Nadsat slang from A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess). This aspect of the Lunar dialect is explained by the fact that many of the deportees on Luna are Russian.

Earth politics and groundwork history [edit]

The novel indicates that Globe had experienced a nuclear world war (the "Wet Firecracker War") in the by century, although no significant traces of devastation are credible at the time of the novel's setting.

Other changes include unification of the entire North American continent under a successor authorities to the United States, and political unification of South America, Europe, and Africa into megastates. The Soviet Spousal relationship seems to take lost the state east of the Urals to Mainland china into a rump land, and Communist china has conquered all of East Asia, Southeast Asia, eastern Australia, and New Zealand (deporting unwanted people to Luna in the procedure). This Chinese aggrandizement is similar to that described in Tunnel in the Sky, and to a lesser extent, Sixth Column. The militarily dominant nations seem to be Northward America and Cathay. Bharat is overcrowded, but seems able to obtain many of the wheat shipments from Luna.

It is suggested that the Western nations, including Northward America, take become corrupt and authoritarian, while holding on to the vestiges of the prewar democratic idealism in propaganda and popular culture. China is portrayed as evidently and unabashedly despotic, but no less technically advanced than the Westward. The Soviet Wedlock seems to have relatively little influence, whereas the Lunar Authority itself is portrayed equally decadent.

Sources, allusions, and references [edit]

Allusions to other works [edit]

Professor de la Paz names Carl von Clausewitz, Niccolò Machiavelli, Oskar Morgenstern, and Che Guevara as part of a long list of authors for revolutionaries to read. He also quotes a "Chinese General" on the subject of weakening the enemy's resolve, a reference to Sun Tzu'south The Art of State of war.

When planning the revolution, Mike is described by Mannie as "our Cherry-red Pimpernel, our John Galt, our Swamp Play a joke on, our man of mystery," referring to the works of the Baroness Orczy and Ayn Rand, as well as to the history of the American Revolution. Parallels to the American Revolution are intentional; Luna's Proclamation of Independence is issued on July 4, 2076, and one event is referred to as paralleling the Boston Tea Party.

When discussing the resources loss on Luna and likelihood of ensuing food riots, Professor de la Paz suggests that Mannie read the work of Thomas Malthus.

Connections to other Heinlein works [edit]

Hazel Meade Stone starting time appears as a character in Heinlein's earlier book, The Rolling Stones, a.m.a. Space Family Rock (1952).

The setting of the Luna revolt is revisited past Heinlein in his belatedly-period novel, The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, which once again includes Stone equally a character. The book shows that past 2188 the names of the signatories of the Lunar Declaration of Independence are studied, but Room L of the Raffles Hotel, wherein the revolution was plotted, is used as an ordinary hotel room, admitting with a plaque on the wall.

The Contumely Cannon [edit]

Heinlein'south original championship for the novel was The Brass Cannon, before he replaced it with the final title at the publisher'southward request.[nine] It was derived from an event in the novel: While on World, Professor Bernardo de la Paz purchases a small brass cannon, originally a "bespeak gun" of the kind used in yacht racing. When Mannie asks him why he bought information technology, the Professor relates a parable, implying that self-government is an illusion caused by failure to empathise reality:

Once in that location was a man who held a political brand-work job ... shining a brass cannon around a courthouse. He did this for years ... but he was not getting alee in the globe. Then 1 mean solar day he quit his job, drew out his savings, bought a brass cannon — and went into business for himself.[10]

Professor de la Paz asks Mannie to assure that Luna adopts a flag featuring a brass cannon — "a symbol for all fools who are so impractical as to think they can fight Metropolis Hall." Before leaving politics, Mannie and Wyoh acquit out his wish.

Heinlein owned a small contumely cannon, which he acquired prior to the 1960s. For nearly xxx years, the firing of the brass cannon, or "bespeak gun," was a quaternary of July tradition at the Heinlein residence. It is believed that this cannon was the inspiration for Heinlein'due south original title for the novel. Virginia Heinlein kept the cannon afterwards her husband's decease in 1988; it was eventually ancestral to friend and scientific discipline-fiction writer Brad Linaweaver, subsequently Virginia Heinlein died in 2003. Linaweaver restored the cannon to working social club and subsequently posted a video of it on YouTube in 2007, wherein it is fired several times with blank charges at a shooting range.[eleven]

Critical reception [edit]

Algis Budrys of Galaxy Science Fiction in 1966 praised The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, citing "Heinlein's expertise for clay-level politics, snappy dialogue and a sense of an actual living society." He said that he had never read a more believable computer grapheme than Mike ("may in fact be the most fully realized individual in the story"). Budrys suggested that the story may really be Mike manipulating humans without their noesis to improve its state of affairs, which would explain why the computer no longer communicates with them after the revolution succeeds.[12] Reiterating that Mike manipulated the humans, in 1968 Budrys said that every review of the volume, including his ain, erred past not stating that the computer is the protagonist.[xiii] Carl Sagan wrote that the novel had "useful suggestions for making a revolution in an oppressive computerized guild."[14]

Leigh Kimmel of The Billion Light-Twelvemonth Bookshelf said that the novel is "the work of the man at the height of his powers, confident in his abilities and in the editorial respect he enjoys, and thus free to have significant risks in writing a novel that would stretch the boundaries of the genre equally they stood at the fourth dimension." She characterized the novel as a departure from what had previously been associated with scientific discipline fiction. Kimmel cited Heinlein's "vernacular linguistic communication ... an extrapolated lunar creole that has arisen from the forced intersection of multiple cultures and languages in the lunar penal colonies"; the protagonist'south disability; "the frank treatment of alternative family structures"; and "the computer which suddenly wakes up to full bogus intelligence, but rather than condign a Monster that threatens human society and must be destroyed as the primary Quest of the story, instead befriends the protagonist and seeks to get always more human being, a sort of digital Pinocchio."[15]

Adam Roberts said of the novel: "Information technology is really quite difficult to respond to this masterful book, except by engaging with its political content; and withal we demand to make the effort to see past the ideological to the formal and thematic if we are fully to appreciate the splendour of Heinlein's achievement here."[16]

Andrew Kaufman praised it, saying that it was Heinlein'southward crowning achievement. He described it as "Carefully plotted, stylistically unique, politically sophisticated and thrilling from page one." He goes on to say that "it's difficult to imagine anyone else writing a novel that packs and then many ideas (both big and pocket-size) into such a perfectly independent narrative." Kaufman says that, regardless of political philosophies, i can still admire Heinlein's writing ability, and the ability to influence the reader to root for "a rag-tag bunch of criminals, exiles, and agitators."[17]

Ted Gioia said that this might be Heinlein's most enjoyable piece of work. He said that it "represents Robert Heinlein at his finest, giving him scope for the armchair philosophizing that increasingly dominated his mature work, but marrying his polemics to a smartly conceived plot packed with considerable drama." He went on to praise Heinlein'south characters, especially Mannie.[18]

Awards and nominations [edit]

  • Hugo Award All-time novel (1967). It was also nominated in 1966.
  • Nebula Award All-time novel nomination (1966)
  • Locus Poll Award All-fourth dimension Top 10 novels, #8 (1975), #4 (1987), #2 (1998, amongst novels published earlier 1990)
  • Prometheus Laurels Hall of Fame Laurels recipient (1983)

Influence [edit]

The book popularized the acronym TANSTAAFL ("There Ain't No Such Thing Equally A Free Lunch"), and helped popularize the synthetic language Loglan, which is used in the story for precise human-computer interaction. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations credits this novel with the get-go printed advent of the phrase "In that location's no free lunch."[nineteen]

Film [edit]

In 2015, it was announced that Bryan Singer was attached to direct a film adaptation, entitled Insurgence, in development at 20th Century Play a trick on.[20] [21]

Audiobook releases [edit]

Ii unabridged audiobook versions of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress have been produced.

  • Read past George Wilson, produced by Recorded Books, Inc., 1998
  • Read by Lloyd James, produced past Blackstone Audio, Inc., 1999

See also [edit]

  • Colonization of the Moon
  • Dallos
  • Moon in fiction
  • At that place own't no such affair equally a complimentary lunch

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Books Today". The New York Times: 40. June ii, 1966.
  2. ^ Gioia, Ted. "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". conceptual fiction. Retrieved 9 Apr 2012.
  3. ^ "1966 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without Stop . Retrieved 2009-07-27 .
  4. ^ "1967 Honour Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End . Retrieved 2009-07-27 .
  5. ^ Gresh, Lois H.; Weinberg, Robert (2007), The science of Stephen King, p. 59, ISBN978-0471782476
  6. ^ Franklin, Howard Bruce (1980), Robert A. Heinlein, p. 168, ISBN978-0195027464
  7. ^ Doherty, Brian. Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Motility, pg. 385
  8. ^ Wright, David, Sr. "Rational Anarchy An Assay of the theme given by Professor Bernard De La Paz In Robert A. Heinlein'south 'The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress'". . Retrieved 26 April 2012.
  9. ^ Heinlein, Robert. Heinlein, Virginia (ed.). Grumbles from the Grave. p. 171.
  10. ^ Heinlein, Robert (1982). The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. p. 207.
  11. ^ Brad Linaweaver presents Robert A Heinlein's Contumely Cannon on YouTube. The cannon is fired after half-dozen minutes into the 9-infinitesimal video.
  12. ^ Budrys, Algis (December 1966). "Galaxy Bookshelf". Galaxy Science Fiction. pp. 125–133.
  13. ^ Budrys, Algis (July 1968). "Milky way Bookshelf". Galaxy Science Fiction. pp. 161–167.
  14. ^ Sagan, Carl (1978-05-28). "Growing up with Science Fiction". The New York Times. p. SM7. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2018-12-12 .
  15. ^ Kimmel, Leigh. "Review". The Billion Light-Yr Bookshelf. Retrieved 10 April 2012.
  16. ^ Roberts, Adam. "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress: SF Masterworks Seven". Infinity Plus. Retrieved 10 Apr 2012.
  17. ^ Kaufman, Andrew. "Acme Scientific discipline Fiction Novels Of All Time". Retrieved xi April 2012.
  18. ^ Gioia, Ted. "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein Reviewed past Ted Gioia". Conceptual Fiction. Conceptual Fiction. Retrieved 23 April 2012.
  19. ^ "Picayune Oxford Lexicon of Quotations". AskOxford. Oxford Academy Press. Retrieved 2009-03-sixteen .
  20. ^ Child, Ben (4 March 2015). "Bryan Vocalist directing Robert Heinlein'south The Moon is a Harsh Mistress".
  21. ^ "Bryan Singer Tackling Sci-Fi Archetype 'The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress' for Pull a fast one on (Exclusive)". 3 March 2015.

External links [edit]

  • The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress title listing at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
  • The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress at Open Library
  • The Moon is a Harsh Mistress at Worlds Without End
  • The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress as kickoff serialized in Worlds of If: parts one, two, three, 4, and 5 on the Net Archive
  • Proposed movie adaptation: Uprising at IMDb

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